Do it Yourself Plans


honey bee and comb
honey bee and comb

The average

worker bee produces

1/12 teaspoon of honey in her lifetime.

honey bees
honey bees

To make 1 pound of honey, your Bees must visit

2 million flowers.

do it yourself observation hive plans
diy observation hive plans

To purchase, go to the Shop page

    This is a complete set of plans, in booklet or PDF form, for building the SwingView, TableView, CircleView, and GardenView Observation Hive models with all options, complete with installation instructions and basic Hive management information for new beekeepers.  

Our D-I-Y Plans for Observation Hives  have been built all over the world and loaded with bees for enjoyment and education.  We are happy to be a part of the growing knowledge and advocacy of this marvelous and critically important, world wide creature, the Honey Bee.

Bonterra Bees observation hive designs are fast becoming a world wide standard. We have sold Plans to France, Russia, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, etc, etc and all over the world.


        Building an Observation Bee Hive designed by Bonterra Bees may look complicated, but it's not. Once you choose your model, half of those lines, numbers and diagrams disappear. Basically, you will create some Hive Case stock from your choice of wood, drill some holes in it and screw it together. There is nothing complicated here, and we think you will really enjoy this woodworking project.

    We have designed our Observation Hives to be created from locally available, inexpensive materials, and there are no high-tech tools or procedures required.

If you would like to purchase any of our products with a check , money order or purchase order, please contact In your e-mail message, please include your shipping zip code and the model in which you are interested,  as well any questions you might have. A Direct Order Blank with prices and product details will be sent to you via e-mail (or postal mail upon request).